Apple Cinnamon Ginger Water

I like making my own flavored water, and now that it’s autumn, I thought I’d try a water recipe with the flavors of fall, and apples and cinnamon are such a classic autumn flavor combination. There are sliced apples and cinnamon sticks in this, and I added some slices of fresh ginger root for a little extra mild spice. It’s really refreshing!

You can drink this Apple Cinnamon Ginger Water right after you make it, or even better, refrigerate it for at least an hour. It will be even a little more flavorful if you let the flavors meld in the refrigerator for awhile. You can also make this in the evening, refrigerate overnight, and it will be ready to drink the next day. The water does get a little cloudy as it refrigerates. The apples will start to brown a little the next day, but the water is good to drink for a day or two after you make it. To help prevent the apples from turning brown, you can squeeze fresh lemon juice on the slices as you’re slicing the apples.

I sliced up two different kinds of apples for my water to add extra color—a Gala apple and a Granny Smith apple—use whatever types of apples you like best! Although I used a tart Granny Smith apple in this batch of water, I recommend using sweeter apples—I really liked the slightly sweet flavor of the water when I made it another time with two Gala apples.

Apple Cinnamon Ginger Water

  • Servings: 8
  • Difficulty: easy
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Makes a large pitcher (half-gallon) of flavored water

8 cups of water
2 medium organic apples (sweet apples work best—Fuji or Gala apples are a good choice), cut into thin slices (if you don’t use organic, peel your apples so you don’t get the pesticides from the skins in your water)
4 to 6 cinnamon sticks
6 thin slices of peeled fresh ginger root

Fill pitcher with 8 cups of water. Slice apples, putting the slices in the water right away (this helps prevent the slices from browning too soon). Add cinnamon sticks and ginger root, and stir all ingredients together in the pitcher.

Serve after chilling for about an hour or refrigerate overnight for more flavorful water. When ready to serve, add ice cubes to pitcher and stir right before serving or add ice to individual serving glasses and pour your flavored water over the ice.

NOTES: If you prefer a carbonated water drink, you can use Seltzer water instead of regular water (Club Soda is high in sodium and Tonic Water is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup, so Seltzer water is best).

Also, this water has a very light, mild flavor—if you want a stronger apple flavor, you could also mix in some unsweetened apple juice to taste.

Recipe from NancyC |

If you’re wondering what you can do with the fruit when you’re done drinking the water, here are some ideas: if the apple slices are still crunchy and just slightly brown, I eat them—or I eat them as I’m drinking up the water. You can also put the apple slices, ginger root slices, and cinnamon sticks in your compost pile if you have one.

What fruits do you like to use to flavor your water?

Sharing at Meal Plan Monday, Weekend Potluck, Thursday Favorite Things, Full Plate Thursday, Grace at Home, Wonderful Wednesday, Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul.

15 responses to “Apple Cinnamon Ginger Water”

  1. This looks absolutely delicious. It
    s coming up to summer here so fruit waters are on my mind. I’ll be trying this, and also the lemon, mint one I found on your blog. Yum!


  2. Strawberries give water a melony flavor oddly enough, but delicious. I also like cucumber. I making your combo tonight!


    • I mentioned in the post that the water tastes best for a day or two.The apples will start turning brown the second day, so you can’t really use them that long. I don’t know if this has any weight loss benefits any more than drinking regular water, but having some flavor in water is always nice!


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