Book Review—Satisfied: Finding Hope, Joy, and Contentment Right Where You Are

I received a review copy of this book; all opinions expressed are mine.

When I first saw the cover of this book, I had a feeling I would love it! The pretty cover photo and the title just drew me in. I’ve never read a book by Alyssa Joy Bethke, but now that I’ve read her book Satisfied: Finding Hope, Joy, and Contentment Right Where You Are (Worthy Books), I definitely want to read more of her work!

This book is just as beautiful on the inside as it is on the cover. In fact, before I started reading it, I looked at all the wonderful color photos throughout the book that show glimpses of Alyssa’s everyday life with family and friends, and also her inviting home. Seeing those soft, reflective, beautiful images made me even more excited about reading the book—they compliment the gentle tone and the beautifully written chapters so well. This is a larger-size book, what you could call a coffee table book, and it’s one that I know I will sit down with many times, to re-read and be inspired by.

Reading this book is like taking a refreshing break from the busyness of your day. Each of the 18 chapters are just the right length for reading one or two at a time if your time is limited, but it’s the kind of book you could easily spend several hours enjoying. The chapters deal with topics that all women can relate to…Trap of Comparison, Griefs Healed, Oh, Hey Body! (body image), True Identity, Learning Contentment, Joy in the Grind, and more. There’s even a section of some of Alyssa’s favorite recipes at the back of the book, which made me love it even more! 🙂 This is a great book to buy for yourself and enjoy, and it also makes a beautiful gift. I can’t say enough good things about it—I enjoyed reading it so much!

Here are some of my favorite excerpts…

When God answers a prayer, it is such a gift. And our faith is built stronger. I think of the proverb that says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life” (Prov. 13:12 NIV). Perhaps the real gift is the time we spend beforehand, asking, waiting, watching, and being with Jesus. And then the time after, of continuing to praise Him, thank Him, and ask Him for wisdom and help, again.—CHAPTER 1, Longings Met

We don’t usually notice slow miracles. We want sudden change, prayers answered within a day; we want to know what the plan is, avoid the pain, be in control, enjoy the fruit. But just because we don’t see the fruit right away…doesn’t mean there’s no progress. Doesn’t mean God isn’t actively at work on achieving a miracle at that very moment. There is so much we don’t see. So much going on behind the scenes. And God promises to use it all for our good.—CHAPTER 5, Slow Miracles

It’s exhausting to try to be someone we’re not. To always be thinking of what we should do. We need to be growing…so that we become the glorified, true, best versions of ourselves. But let’s not get that mixed up with becoming someone else. Become your best self, whom God has set forth and spoken over you.—CHAPTER 7, Trap of Comparison

Alyssa writes in an honest and vulnerable way that makes you feel like you’re sharing time with a close friend. The experiences she shares from her life are encouraging, uplifting, and point to Jesus as the only One who can bring us true contentment. She shares this Scripture at the beginning of one of her chapters: Satisfy us in the morning with Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. PSALM 90:14. Her book is a beautiful reminder that God loves us, He’s always with us, He has good plans for us, and He will take care of us…and because of that, we can truly live a satisfied life.

2 responses to “Book Review—Satisfied: Finding Hope, Joy, and Contentment Right Where You Are”

  1. I really enjoyed this book too! I blogged about her as well. The podcast written by Alyssa Bethke and her husband is one of my favorites too. I hope she writes some more 🙂

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